About Me

Hey welcome to my blog! My name is Brinley Cornaby, I am 17 years old and I LOVE to travel.


  • my blogs are all about making the most of your vacation, wherever that may be
  • my hope for my blogs are to give personal advice on top attractions, restaurants and hotels/resorts

Born and raised in Ontario, Canada I’ve been eager to get out and see the rest of the world. I have been very fortunate to have seen so much of this world at such a young age. With family and friends I have traveled to Hawaii, Costa Rica, the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic, Florida, the Caribbean, Aruba, Argentina, Utah, Quebec City, New York and more. With my high school I had the privileged of travelling to numerous areas in Europe, such as France, Belgium and England. After seeing other parts of the world far different from what I knew back home I defiantly caught the travel bug.

I have decided to blog publicly because I hope to use my travelling experience to help you start or continue your travelling journey. Feel free to send me emails with any questions, comments or concerns pertaining to any of my blogs, I would be happy to connect with you and help with anything at all. I would love for my blogs to be your guide to any and all of your adventures. There is so much of the world out there waiting to be discovered by me and you!

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